Wednesday 11 June (1st day) Oral Session room E (501)

International Session (Presentation: 20min)

Session room E (501) International Session 9:0010:00   POPs

1E-1 Jun Huang, Gang Yu, Tai Wang (TsinghuaUniversity), Lv Yahui, Yang Xi (Nanjing University) Occurrence and level of persistent organic pollutants in surface water, sediment and soil in Tianjin, China
1E-2 Amgalan Natsagdorj, Batkhishig G, Tsolmontuya N (Department of Chemistry, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia) Pollution of PCB's around Erdenet
1E-3 Nguyen Tri Quang Hung (Korean Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, NONG LAM University, Vietnam), Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Aungsiri Klinmalee (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand) Air pollution emission from waste co-fueling cement kiln and associated effects on ambient air quality

Session room E (501) International Session 10:0011:00 POPs

1E-4 Guibin Jiang (Chinese Academy Sci., China) Emerging chemical contaminations in China
1E-5 Mashura Shammi, M. Khabir Uddin (Jahangirnagar University), M. A. Malek, M. Hasanuzzaman (Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE)) Effect of gamma radiation on DDT and its methabolites in POPs management in Bangladesh
1E-6 Evangeline C. Santiago and Mylene.G Cayetano (University of the Philippines, Philippines) Organochlorine pesticides in urban and rural air environments in the Philippines derived from passive samplers with polyurethane disks

Session room E (501) International Session 11:0012:00 POPs

1E-7 Nuchida Rungthawornwong (Pollution Control Department (PCD), Thailand), Takuya Shiozaki (Japan Environmental Sanitation Center (JESC)) , Pornsri Suthanaruk, Julalux Sutthiwechakul, Chariya Kongchareon, Chatmongkol Chumnanwong (Pollution Control Department (PCD), Thailand) Air monitoring on POPs-pesticides at background site in Thailand 2007
1E-8 Yoshikatsu Takazawa, Yasuyuki Shibata (National Institute for environmental study, NIES, Japan) Application of trajectory analysis in POPs air monitoring
1E-9 Pham Hung Viet, Nguyen Hung Minh, Tu Bihn Minh (Hanoi National Univ., Vietnam), Shinsuke Tanabe (Ehime Univ., Japan) Human exposure to POPs in Vietnam: Contamination, accumulation characteristics and risk assessment for infants

Session room E (501) International Session 14:5016:20 POPs

1E-10 Gan Zhang, Xiang Liu, Paromita Chakraborty, Jun Li (GIGCAS), P. Sampathkumar (Annamalai University), Shin Takahashi, Annamalai Subramanian, Shinsuke Tanabe (Ehime University), Kevin C Jones (Lancaster University) Monitoring persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of China and India
1E-11 Yugo Takabe, Hiroshi Tsuno (Kyoto Univ., Japan), Zhang Xi Hui (Tsingha Univ., China), Fumitake Nishimura (Kyoto Univ., Japan), Guan Yun Tao, Tadao Mizuno (Cooperative Res. Edu. Centr. Env. Technol. Kyoto Univ. & Tsingha Univ.), Chisato Matsumura, Takeshi Nakano (Hyogo Pref. Inst. Pub. Health Env. Sci., Japan) Survey of POPs with bivalves as a bioindicator in the Lake Biwa-Yodo River System and the Pearl River
1E-12 Noriyuki Suzuki (NIES) Preliminary estimation of relative contribution of distant and nearby sources by fate model simulation
1E-13 Ichiro Tsunoi ( Ministry of Environment, MOE) POPs monitoring project in East Asia


Thursday 12 June (2nd day) Oral Session room E (501)

International Session (Presentation: 20min)

Session room E (501) International Session 8:309:30 POPs, PFOS

2E-1 MH Wong, AOW Leung, JKY Chan, WJ Deng, YZ Yu (CIES, Hong Kong Baptist University, China), Y Xu (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, China) Potential health impact of uncontrolled recycling of electronic-waste
2E-2 Roland Weber (Tsinghua University), Harald Farber2, Dirk Skutlarek (University Bonn), Paul Krofges, Claudia Baitinger (BUND(Friends of the Earth Germany)) PFOS/PFOA contaminated megasites in Germanypolluting the drinking water supply of millions of people ?relevance for Asian countries
2E-3 SHAO Dingding, DONG Liang, SHI Shuangxin, ZHANG Ting, ZHOU Li, HUANG Yeru (China-Japan Friendship Centr. Env. Protection, China) Study on residues of organic chlorinated pesticides in Bohai Sea

Session room E (501) International Session 9:3010:30 Pesticides, EDCs

2E-4 Siripastr Jayanta (NRC-EHWM, Thailand, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand), Wannakarn Nittayarerk (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand), Somenath Mitra (NJIT, University Heights), Natchanun Leepipatpiboon (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) Micro-Scale Membrane Extraction of Bipyridilium Herbicides in Water Followed by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis
2E-5 Haidong Zhou, Xia Huang and Xianghua Wen (Tsinghua Univ., China) Occurrence and reduction of polycyclic musk fragrances by three sewage treatment plants of Beijing, China
2E-6 Jianying Hu, Huajun Zhen, Zhaobiin Zhang (Peking University, China), Qiwei Wei (Ministry of Agriculture of China, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science, China), Yi Wan (Peking University, China), Louxin Li (Ministry of Agriculture of China, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science, China) Tissue distribution of phenyltins in Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) and impact

Session room E (501) International Session 10:3011:30 International cooperation

2E-7 Cancelled  
2E-8 Hideo Morikawa (JICA Hyogo) Japan’s ODA and the role of JICA
2E-9 Pornyod Klankrong (Ministry of Industry, Thailand), Camila Costa Petroleo (National Service of Industrial Apprenticeship, Brazil), Ainur Ortbayeva (Republican State-owned Enterprise Kazhydromet, Kazakhstan), WeiWei Xing (Dalian Environmental Monitoring Center, China), Annie E. Espiritu (Philippine Rice Research Institute, Philippines), Ronald Labbuanan Orpia (Nueva Vizcaya State University, Philippines), Ariel Boys Moya (Institute of Meteorology, Cuba), Seyed Ali Akbar Mirrazi Roudsari (Department of Environment of East Azerbaijan, Iran) Environmental issues of hazardous chemicals in developing countries


Friday 13 June (3rd day) Oral Session room E (501)

International Session (Presentation: 20min)

Session room E (501) International Session 8:309:30 VOC, Water quality

3E-1 Wanna Laowagul, Hathairatana Garivait, Plernpis Pongprayoon, Sirapong Sooktawee, Daisy Morknoy (Env. Research Training Centr., Thailand) Characterization of volatile organic compounds in Bangkok, Thailand
3E-2 Pham Thi Minh Hanh, Suthiphong Sthianopkao, Kyoung-Woong Kim (Gwangju Inst. Sci. Technol., Korea), Dang The Ba (College of Technology, Vietnam National University), Nguyen Quang Hung (Center for Marine Environment Survey, Research and Consultation (CMESRC), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)) Assessment of the surface water quality using statistical techniques, Nhue-Day rivers, Vietnam
3E-3 Weijia Li, Andrei Izmer, Douglas Evans, Dirk Wallschlager, Peter Dillon (Trent Univ., Canada) and Jack Cornett (Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada) Uranium Measurements in the Environment with DGT

Session room E (501) International Session 9:3010:30 Heavy metal

3E-4 James Kakembo (Buloba Inst. Sci., Uganda) Removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from an agricultural solid waste
3E-5 Jong-Un Lee, Hyun-Sung Park, Dae-Sung Song (Chonnam National Univ., Korea), Kyoung-Woong Kim (Gwangju Inst. Sci. Technol., Korea), Hyo-Taek Chon (Seoul National Univ., Korea) Geochemical behavior of arsenic influenced by microbial reduction and EPS (extracellular polymeric substances) production in contaminated soil and sediment
3E-6 Lunchakorn Prathumratana, Suthipong Sthiannopkhao, Kyoung Woong Kim (Gwangju Inst. Sci. Technol., Korea) Arsenic contamination in groundwater and its impact in Kandal Province, Cambodia

