国際セッション E 会場(22会議室) |
6月20日(水) 1日目 |
E 会場(22会議室) 9:00~12:00 |
1E -1 |
ポスター発表 P257 に変更 |
1E -2 |
○Chun-yan.Geng (Pref. Univ. Kumamoto), Eriko Maeda (Pref. Univ. Kumamoto), Kei Nomiyama (Pref. Univ. Kumamoto), Pai-li Geng (Qinghai University), Hai-ping Luo (Qinghai University), Hai-hong Luo (Qinghai University), Minoru Koga (Pref. Univ. Kumamoto), Ryota Shinohara (Pref. Univ. Kumamoto) |
A survey on micro-organic pollutants in water and human serum in inland agricultural area of China |
1E -3 |
○Anna Karrman (Orebro Univ.), Bert van Bavel (Orebro Univ.), Gunilla Lindstrom (Orebro Univ.), Ingrid Langlois (University of Basel), Michael Oehme (University of Basel) |
Analysis and pattern of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) isomers in human sera and plasma |
1E -4 |
○Agus Sudaryanto (Ehime Univ.), Tomohiko Isobe (Ehime Univ.), Tetsuro Agusa (Ehime Univ.), Shin Takahashi (Ehime Univ.), Hisato Iwata, (Ehime Univ.), Satoshi Nakamura (National Institute of Infectious Diseases), Alissara Reungsang (Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand), Kriengsak Srisuk (Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand), Satoshi Takizawa (The Univ. of Tokyo), Shinsuke Tanabe (Ehime Univ.) |
Contamination by brominated flame retardants in Mekong River Basin |
1E -5 |
○Hideshige Takada (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Technol. ), Satoru Iwasa (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Technol. ) |
International pellet watch: Global monitoring of persistent pollutants (POPs) using beached plastic resin pellets |
1E -6 |
○Jong-Woo Choi , Sunghhun Choe, Young Joon Lee, Sangmin Kim, Kyunghee Choi, Samcwan Kim (National Institute of Environmental Research) |
Ambient air concentration monitoring of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) at background sites in Republic of Korea |
1E -7 |
○Haruhiko Nakata (Kumamoto Univ.), Yusuke Nakazawa (Kumamoto Univ.), Yuki Ishimoto (Kumamoto Univ.), Kari Ramu (Ehime Univ.), Natsuko Kajiwara (Ehime Univ.), Agus Sudaryanto (Ehime Univ.), Tomohiko Isobe (Ehime Univ.), Shin Takahashi (Ehime Univ.), Annamalai Subramanian (Ehime Univ.), Eun-Young Kim (Ehime Univ.), Gene J. Zheng (City Univ. Of Hong Kong), Paul K.S. Lam (City Univ. Of Hong Kong), Byung-Yoon Min (Kyungnam Univ.), Sung-Ug We (Kyungnam Univ.), Pham Hung Viet (Hanoi National Univ.), Ahmad Ismail (Univ. Putra Malaya), Muswerry Muchtar (Indonesia Inst. Of Sci.), Touch Seang Tana (Social And Culture Observation Unit (Obses) Of The Council Of Ministers), Maricar Prudente (De La Salla Univ.), Shinsuke Tanabe (Ehime Univ.) |
Mussel watch pollution monitoring of synthetic musks in Asian coastal waters |
1E -8 |
○Ruchaya Boonyatumanond (Environmental Research and Training Center), Michio Murakami, Hideshige Takada (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Technol.) , Gullaya Wattayakorn (Chulalongkorn University) |
Sources and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment, Thailand |
1E -9 |
○Tomoko Takeda (The Univ. of Tokyo), Satoshi Takizawa (The Univ. of Tokyo), Chaimongkol Supak (Chiangmai Univ, Thailand), Wattanachira Suraphong (Chiangmai Univ, Thailand) |
Fluoride intake pathways among the population living with fluoride-laden groundwater in the Chiang Mai Basin, Thailand |
E 会場(22会議室) 14:50~15:50 |
1E-10 |
○Xie Quan, Yafeng Guo, Na Lu, Hongtao Yu, Shaogui Yang, Chunyue Cui (Dalian University of Technology) |
Advanced redox processes using ordered nanomaterials technology for removal of organic persistant toxic substances from aqueous phase |
1E -11 |
○Yohey Hashimoto (Gifu Univ.), Takeshi Sato (Gifu Univ.) |
Removal of aqueous lead by hydroxyapatites synthesized from industrial byproducts |
1E -12 |
○Tien-Chin Chang, C. M. Chen, Y. F. Lee |
Treating high-mercury containing lamps using full-scale thermal desorption technology |
6月21日(木) 2日目 |
E 会場(22会議室) 8:30~11:30 |
2E -1 |
○Viet Hung Pham, Trang Thi Kim Pham (CETASD, Hanoi University of Science), Shinsuke Tanabe, Tetsuro Agusa, Minh Binh Tu (CMES, Ehime University) |
Arsenic pollution in groundwater in red river delta, Vietnam: situation and human exposure |
2E -2 |
○Evangeline C. Santiago, Mylene G. Cayetano |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air in the Philippines derived from passive sampler with polyurethane foam disk |
2E -3 |
○Yeru Huang, Shuangxin Shi, Dingding Shao, Wanyun Lu, Li Zhou (Sino-Japan Friendship Center for Environmental Protection) |
Residual Organochlorine Pesticides in Shrimps of Tai Lake and Dongting Lake, China |
2E -4 |
○Gi Ho Jeong, Hyunjeong Kim, Ji Yong Moon, |
Five year trend of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD, PCDF and coplanar PCB levels in crucian carp |
2E -5 |
○Jingwen Chen, Ping Yang, Fulin Tian, Zhen Wang, Xianliang Qiao (Dalian University of Technology) |
Pollutants Implicated by Pine Needles: a Regional Study in Northeastern China |
2E -6 |
○Junheon Yoon (National Institute of Environmental Research) |
Estimation of concentration distribution pattern of nonylphenol in Han River using EDCSeoul Model |
2E -7 |
○Xuehua Li, Jingwen Chen, Li Zhang, Xianliang Qiao, Liping Huang (Dalian University of Technology) |
The fragment constant method for predicting octanol-air partition coefficients of POPs at different temperature |
2E -8 |
○Jarinporn Tippamongkol, Amornphat Tadsanaprasittipol , Pornsri Sutthanaruk (Pollution Control Department, MORNE, Thailand) , Yoshiharu Shirane (SOWA Consultants) |
Role of laboratory in the establishment of air quality standard in Thailand |
2E -9 |
○Ichiro Tsunoi (Ministry of the Environment, Japan) |
“Environmental survey and monitoring of chemicals” programme in Japan |